
Your life in the cloud

In an era of information overload, skylinc is your simple way to connect and share with everything you love and what is important to you.  All in the cloud. In your personal cloud.

Collect and Share

Everything in one place

Interactive Menu

Beautiful Experience

Your Personal Notebook

Connect with Friends and Family

Create Collect Connect

WELCOME to the place to collect all your favorite things.  Where you entrust your dreams, goals, projects, to do’s, memories, and all your accomplishments.
Here is the intuitive way to connect to everything you love and what’s important to you in the cloud, in one spot, and share if you wish. 


SKYLINC presents your life beautifully. Each vision bubble unlocks your unique collection allowing you to revisit life’s greatest moments anytime, anywhere. 


Your library safeguards all the moments.  Photos, music playlist, and images are all in your cloud.


Managing and planning your life is calming and rewarding when you have a list that you can interact with while you dive in! 

And Much, Much, More!

Explore all of the features of skylinc with a free demo, or download the skylinc app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store to create and explore your own skylinc.


Get It Now

Use skylinc with the most popular web browser on your desktop computer or mobile device, or for a rich experience, use the skylinc app which you can download from the iOS App Store or the Google Play store for Android.


You can get skylinc on your desktop or laptop computer, too! We support all web-enabled browsers.

July 20, 2023

#My Goals

Creating a goals collection is another one I love to have to be a reminder of all the goals I want to accomplish. This collection of all my dreams is where I have the focused […]

June 13, 2023

me time

When I think about the first collection I wanted to curate on my SKYLINC app, “me time” was my first choice. In this collection, I’m adding all my favorite activities, sports, exercises, and refueling moments […]

Take a 30 minute tour of skylinc, no account needed!

You can try out many of the great feature of skylinc using the web browser on your computer or mobile device. Want to take it for a spin? Try it now!